The Wisconsin Surgical Coaching Program (WSCP) adapts methodology and theory from the disciplines of education, music, athletics and executive coaching to develop a video-based coaching program for surgeons.
Few prior opportunities exist to improve the performance of experienced surgeons in practice. Currently, surgeons rely on continuing medical education, which is primarily didactic, for professional development. Formative assessments, consisting of qualitative, individual performance feedback, are better aligned with adult learning theory and are more likely to improve surgical care. Our long-term objective is to improve surgical performance and ultimately the quality and safety of surgical care throughout the state.
The mission of the Wisconsin Surgical Coaching Program is to generate new knowledge and investigate novel approaches to continuous professional development and quality improvement for surgeons.
WSCP partners closely with the Academy for Surgical Coaching (A4SC), a non-profit organization committed to promoting and disseminating the coaching paradigm to continuous professional development of surgeons throughout their career.
More information on A4SC can be found at: