Text to Teach: Improving Patient Experience at AFCH

The project team hopes sending text messages to patient families before and after operations will improve patient experiences and decrease informational calls.

In 2016, Brianna Schumacher, APNP, was awarded a UW Health Innovation Grant for her project “Text to Teach.” Tonsillectomy patients at the American Family Children’s Hospital will receive a series of automated pre- and post-operative text messages with timely educational reminders and links. The pilot, run by the Pediatric Otolaryngology team, launched last week.

Messages are one-way, providing educational reminders and links to handouts about a patient’s surgery and their recovery. Each patient scheduled for a tonsillectomy receives a total of nine text messages, including a survey. The pilot will continue through the end of the year, and is expected to both improve the patient and family experience and decrease informational calls to the clinic nursing staff.