We are delighted to welcome Malcolm McAvoy DeCamp, Jr., MD, as our new Chair of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Dr. DeCamp assumes this role on May 1st. Dr. DeCamp comes from Northwestern University’s Feinberg …
Month: April 2018
Dr. Gibson featured in Wisconsin State Journal
Photo by Steve Apps, WI State Journal Dr. Angela Gibson’s burn research and clinical care was recently featured in the Wisconsin State Journal. They told Dr. Gibson’s amazing story of her path from a burn …
Dr. Greenberg awarded grants for Surgical Collaborative of WI
Caprice Greenberg, MD, MPH, has been awarded a 2-year, $200,000 Opportunity Grant from the Wisconsin Partnership Education and Research Committee for her project, “Improving Access to High Quality Surgical Care in Wisconsin Communities.” The funds …
Text to Teach: Improving Patient Experience at AFCH
In 2016, Brianna Schumacher, APNP, was awarded a UW Health Innovation Grant for her project “Text to Teach.” Tonsillectomy patients at the American Family Children’s Hospital will receive a series of automated pre- and post-operative …
Helping hearts beat in innovative trial
Image of the HeartMate 3 system provided courtesy of St. Jude Medical, Inc Update: As of October 19th, the HeartMate 3 LVAD trial, which our Department is participating in, has been approved by the FDA …
Dr. Neuman receives 2018 Clinical Investigator Award
Congratulations to Dr. Heather Neuman, recipient of the Society of Surgical Oncology’s 2018 Clinical Investigator Award. This 2-year, $100,000 award will support her study, “Understanding Socioeconomic Disparities in the Receipt of Post-Mastectomy Breast Reconstruction.” Two awards …
Hartwell Foundation awards two UW Madison Investigators
The Hartwell Foundation officially announced the recipients of the 2017 Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Awards, which will provide support for three years. Twelve individuals representing ten institutions received recognition as Hartwell Investigators. This year, two …
Dr. Kaufman awarded year-long pilot grant
Dixon Kaufman, MD, PhD, and co-investigator Igor Slukvin, MD, PhD, from the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, were awarded a one-year pilot grant from the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research for their …
Department simulation training work honored at national conference
In addition to providing excellent patient care and moving surgery forward in our lab, Department members are hard at work educating the next generation of surgeons, including through innovative clinical simulation techniques. Their efforts were …
Celebrating the anniversary of Dr. Susan Pitt’s women in surgery photo challenge
One year ago, The New Yorker magazine cover featured the work of illustrator Malika Favre’s image of 4 female surgeons looking down at a patient in the operating room on its cover. Assistant Professor of …