Plastic surgery resident co-authors paper with faculty published in Annals of Surgery

Plastic surgery resident Dr. Oksana Babchenko co-authored “Psychological Theory as It Applies to Surgical Training,” recently published in Annals of Surgery. The paper explores what constitutes an effective resident training environment through the lens of psychology, neuroscience, and education research.

“When I was interviewing for residency, the culture at UW stood out far above the rest,” Dr. Babchenko said. “This residency, under the leadership of Dr. Neil Salyapongse, is a place that prides itself on caring for one another, respecting one another, and being kind. This paper takes a scientific lens to this culture, and shows that treating residents well impacts how they learn, perform, and even how they view themselves.”

The paper included co-authors Catharine Garland, MD, Michael Bentz, MD, and Samuel Poore, MD, PhD.