Faculty Selected for Junior Faculty Exchange Program

Our Department is establishing junior faculty exchange visiting professor programs with several other academic programs across the country. Our goal is to foster research collaborations and networking, and to raise awareness of the research efforts of our amazing junior faculty. We solicited applications for our first Junior Faculty Exchange program with the University of Michigan.

Dr. Samuel Poore

Congratulations to Samuel Poore, MD, PhD, from Plastic Surgery, who was selected as our first Junior Faculty Exchange Visitor with the University of Michigan. Dr. Poore will be visiting the University of Michigan this upcoming academic year. During his visit he will get the opportunity to meet with clinical and research colleagues to help move his research program forward. During his visit he will be able to give a talk highlighting his research work on peripheral nerve interfaces.

Dr. David Schneider

We also selected the visitor for the 2019-20 academic year. David Schneider, MD, MS, from Endocrine Surgery, was selected as next year’s Exchange Visitor. Dr. Schneider will take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about maintaining and optimizing a national quality registry and to learn more about how to monitor quality metrics through the EHR and quality collaboratives. He will not only get the opportunity to learn from their experience, but to share his expertise in machine learning.

Congratulations to Dr. Poore and Dr. Schneider!